9 Bash Script Examples to Get You Started on Linux
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The script then performs the multiplication and displays the calculated multiplication result to the user. An indexed array named myArray is declared and initialized with four elements. The elements consist of a mix of strings (“Apple” and “Orange”) and numbers (100 and 50) each separated by whitespace. Then for loop is used to iterate through each element of the array.
What Is Bash Used For?
If you’re starting out with Bash scripting on Linux, getting a solid grasp of the basics will stand you in good stead. They’re the foundation of deeper knowledge and higher scripting skills. Bash is most commonly used to automate development tasks like code compilation, debugging, change management and testing. Bash is also used by network engineers to test, optimize and configure organizational networks. Since Bash was originally a software replacement for Bourne shell, Bash remains tough to write compared to Python.
This script uses touch to create the file if it doesn’t exist, preventing overwriting files unintentionally. This script helps in confirming the existence of a directory, which is particularly useful for scripts that need to navigate file systems or manipulate directories. In this script, the for loop iterates over a list of fruits, printing a message for each one. It’s a straightforward way to apply actions to a collection of items one by one. The term ‘shell’ is a command-line interface (CLI) that provides an interaction between the operating system and the user.
Scripts start with a bash bang.
Basically, to create a local variable, you need to use the term ‘local’ before the variable name. In order to successfully create your first bash script, you need to understand the essential bash commands. They are the main elements of a script, and you must know what they do and how to write them properly. The case statement provides a way to execute different blocks of code based on the value of a variable.
A typical Bash script starts with a shebang (#!/bin/bash), which indicates the directory or path to the Bash interpreter. After the shebang, one can define variables and functions, use conditionals and loops and execute built-in commands like any other programming language. Bash scripting involves understanding fundamental concepts such as variables, control structures, functions, parameters, etc. Variables in Bash are used to store and manipulate data. You can assign values to variables and access them later in the script. Functions provide modularity and code reusability by encapsulating a set of instructions that can be called multiple times.
Since the values are different, the script prints out Different number. While this article provides a solid foundation for getting started with Bash scripting, remember that there is always more to learn. Explore advanced topics, experiment with different techniques, and leverage the vast resources available online, including forums, tutorials, and documentation.
Within the loop, the value of item is displayed using the echo command. deadman.org The expression 3.14 + 2.7 is echoed and then passed as input through the pipe to the bc command for arithmetic evaluation. The command substitution, indicated by $(…), captures the output of bc and assigns it to the result variable.
’, you can create command sequences. Variables are the most important component in Bash that help to store, read, access, and manipulate data throughout the script. A variable can hold any kind of data such as character strings, integers, float values, etc. Bash reads shell commands and interacts with the operating system to execute them. The great aspect of bash is that you can compile many bash commands and functions into a single executable script, helping you streamline your workflow.